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全部文章, 美酒漫谈, 酒庄
这两天在写苏格兰威士忌品牌的相关文章,写到了Laphroaig拉弗格,对这个酒厂的两句标语非常欣赏: ”We don’t make friends easily, but when we do, they’re for life.” 我们交朋友不容易,一旦结交,将是终生挚友。 “Love it or hate it, but never ignore.” 爱他或恨他,但永远不要忽略它。 没喝过拉弗格威士忌的人一定不会明白这两句话对Laphroaig更深层的含义,但只要喝过一次,立刻秒懂。...
品酒常识, 美酒漫谈, 酒庄
About Diamond Estates The Winery 关于钻石酒庄 ◆43,000 square foot state-of-the-art winemaking facility on 30 acres of land with new production equipment 在30英亩的土地上,拥有占地43,000平方英尺的葡萄酒酿造设施以及最先进的生产设备 ◆4.5 million liters of cooperage 拥有的橡木桶总容量达4500000升 ◆Production has grown from...
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